Welcome to the Elijah House

School of Heart Healing

Unlock the power of prayer counseling and ministry training that will guide you on a transformative journey toward genuine heart healing. Learn to navigate this path yourself and empower others to embark on their own journey to peace.

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Learn more about EH School of Heart Healing

At Elijah House, we understand the transformative power of healing hearts. We believe that to effectively guide others on their journey to wholeness, you must first embark on your own path of continual healing. Our courses serve a dual purpose: they equip you to overcome personal obstacles while preparing you to empower others in their pursuit of healing. 

Access to the online pastoral reference form 

We believe in the importance of support and accountability in pastoral counseling and ministry training. That's why we require each of our students to have a trusted pastor or spiritual mentor to guide them along their journey. Pastors endorsing a student can easily access our pastoral reference form by clicking on the button below.
Write your awesome label here.

20+ heart-healing
video lessons

Hours of inspiring video containing key prayer counselor tools & information.

Weekly "Life

Questions designed for reflection and discussion of the weekly lessons.

Weekly small
group practicum

Practice prayer counseling in a safe and facilitated environment.

A personal heart-
healing journey

Further your own healing while empowering yourself to help others.

Available Courses

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 elijah house online store

Discover more heart healing resources at the Elijah House online store

Frequently asked questions

What is heart healing?

Heart healing (inner healing) is all about setting the captives free. And that’s what we do at Elijah House. Every. Single. Day. Hand in hand with the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s guidance, we are seeing people set free. Free from emotional pain. Free from depression. Free from behaviors that lead to broken relationships. Free from trauma. Free from shame. Free from habitual sin. Free from (you fill in the blank). And THAT’S good news! What is it that YOU need to be set free from?

What is prayer counseling?

Prayer counseling involves looking for the root causes that lie beneath the surface of most problems. Negative core beliefs feed patterns that lead to habitual sin, dysfunction, broken relationships, and many other kinds of "bad fruit." When these negative beliefs come to light, the prayer counselor guides the seeker to cancel the effect of those beliefs at the Cross through the power of prayer, forgiveness, and alignment with the truth.

Can anyone become a prayer counselor?

Becoming a pastoral counselor with an active ministry is available to those who feel this calling, however, this will require a certain level of commitment to our advanced training. While many won't become pastoral counselors with a ministry, the tools and principles we teach benefit everyone and can be used in your everyday life within your sphere of influence. We teach that pastoral counseling can be implemented both officially AND organically.

Does Elijah House offer in-house prayer counseling?

Yes, we do, however, Elijah House is primarily a training facility with limited openings for individual pastoral counseling sessions. We highly encourage those seeking heart healing to participate in our courses. For many, this experience not only helps lead them to further healing but can also equip the individual to pay it forward to another.